Introduction We are pleased to provide our comprehensive commentary on Finance Act 2018 which was signed into law by the President on 19 December 2018.
On 27 December 2018, Revenue issued an eBrief advising of a change in Revenue practice on the VAT rate applicable on sales of certain food supplements. The eBrief advised the VAT rate was to be increased to 23% from 0% with effect from 1 March 2019, effectively withdrawing a concession that had been long standing. […]
In the year of Brexit and against a background of forecasted tax revenue of €55.1 billion, the Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform Paschal Donohoe delivered his second budget this afternoon. He is raising additional tax revenue of €700 million with the greater part coming from the reversal of the 9% VAT rate […]
Brian Purcell was delighted to speak at the Bank of Ireland Seminar on Tax and Property at the RDS 16 May 2018
The must have PMQ Tax Tables 2018 are now available. If you would like a physical copy contact us at
PMQ emails are down at the moment but should be back shortly. If you wish to contact us please use the landline 01 668 2700 or mobile.
Introduction We are pleased to provide our comprehensive commentary on Finance Act 2017 which was signed into law by the President on 25 December 2017.
The new Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform Paschal Donohoe delivered his first budget this afternoon. As publicised in press reports over the last week the reduction in the USC and other changes to income tax thresholds are being partly financed by an increase in stamp duty from 2% to 6% on commercial […]
It is not unusual to read reports in the media of individuals using tax losses to their advantage and availing of the loopholes to reduce their tax liability. The domicile levy which was introduced in 2010 is the complete opposite. It is an example of the State seeking tax from individuals outside the spirit of […]
An English speaking country neighbouring the UK, Ireland offers many advantages for individuals who wish to relocate from the UK and maintain access to the European Union. In Ireland, an individual’s residency and domicile determine their liability to income tax. Individuals who are Irish resident and domiciled will be liable to tax on their worldwide […]
The must have PMQ Tax Tables 2017 are now available. If you would like a physical copy contact us at
As part of the reform of the tax appeals system, with effect from 21 March 2016, the functions of the Appeal Commissioners were taken over by a corporate body known as the Tax Appeals Commission (TAC). Since the establishment of the TAC, all appeals by taxpayers are made directly to the Appeal Commissioners at the […]
The penalty for undeclared income and gains is 100% of the tax on the undeclared amounts. However, where a person makes a qualifying voluntary disclosure to Revenue reduced penalties apply. In addition, details of the settlement amount are not published and Revenue will not consider prosecution. From 1 May 2017, any disclosure made to Revenue […]
Introduction Finance Act 2016 was signed into law by the President on 25 December 2016. The Act contains a number of positive measures from a business perspective as follows: • Special Assignee Relief Programme (SARP) has been extended to the end of 2020 • Foreign Earnings Deduction (FED) has been extended to the end of 2020 and the […]
Minister Michael Noonan delivered his sixth budget since becoming Minister for Finance in 2011. Against a backdrop of a reduced GDP growth forecast for 2017 of 3½% due to Brexit, he has given a little to everyone. Capital Taxes Inheritance and Gift Tax Thresholds • The tax free thresholds have increased as follows: Category A […]