News & Updates

Vacant Homes Tax

Revenue have recently issued guidelines on the Vacant Homes Tax (VHT) which was introduced to encourage vacant homes to be put to use to alleviate the housing crisis.  The tax first applies for the period from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023.  The filing date for the return is 7 November 2023 and payment […]

Patron 2023 Clontarf GAA Club

Our colleague Jane O’Hanlon receiving certificate for Purcell McQuillan

Finance Act 2022

We are pleased to provide our comprehensive commentary on Finance Act 2022 which was signed into law by the President on 15 December 2022.

Tax Tables 2023

The must have PMQ Tax Tables 2023 are now available.   If you would like a physical copy contact us at

Temporary Retrospective Changes to BIK on Vehicles

Yesterday the government announced temporary retrospective changes to how Benefit-in-Kind (“BIK”) is charged on company cars and vans.  The change comes further to the backlash the government received as people faced BIK increases in their tax liability associated with the change in the BIK rules to one based on the CO2 emissions of the cars. The change […]

Residential Zoned Land Tax –
3% Annual Tax on the Market Value of a Site

The government’s Housing for All Plan contained a proposal to introduce a new tax in order to incentivise the development of land that is serviced and zoned for residential use or mixed use to facilitate the increase of new housing supply. This tax was subsequently enacted and is known as the Residential Zoned Land Tax […]

Budget Briefing 2023

Budget 2023 – The Cost-of-Living Budget The Coalition Government today, 27 September 2022, announced a Budget package of €11 billion which aims to alleviate the cost-of-living crisis and the threat to jobs from the surge in energy costs as well as managing the long-term challenges of housing, health, education, and climate. Budget Package The Budget […]

Commission on Taxation and Welfare Summary of Recommendations

We attach a summary of the principal recommendations of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare.  The Commission did not recommend the introduction of a single wealth tax but instead opted to recommend significant increases in the tax yield from wealth and property.  Although some of the recommendations were dismissed by An Tánaiste, as being from […]

Finance Act 2021

We are pleased to provide our comprehensive commentary on Finance Act 2021 which was signed into law by the President on 21 December 2021.

Budget Briefing 2022

Budget aimed at addressing rising inflation Against a backdrop of €240 billion of borrowings and with forecasted additional tax receipts for 2021 of €5.635 billion, the Coalition Government today, 12 October 2021, announced a Budget with the following limited tax changes: Business Taxes/ Incentives Corporation Tax The Irish corporation tax rate of 12.5% has been […]

Sinn Fein Alternative Budget 2022 – Whatever happens tomorrow taxes are likely to be higher under Sinn Fein

Sinn Fein Budget Proposals Tax Revenue  Remove tax credits on a tapered basis on individual incomes above €100,000 Introduce a 3% solidarity tax on individual incomes above €140,000 Abolish the Special Assignee Relief Programme Introduce a 40% CGT rate on individual incomes above €500,000 Increase CAT rate to 36% & reduce Group A Threshold to […]

Watch List for Possible Tax Changes in Budget 2022

The Tax Strategy Group (TSG) is an interdepartmental committee with membership from leading government departments and the Revenue Commissioners. Its purpose is to provide options for consideration in the context of the budget in the medium and long term. The 2021 TSG papers have been published and although the TSG is not a decision-making body […]

The common tax mistakes all businesses should avoid

Attached is a link to an excellent article written by our colleague Jane O’Hanlon on how a business can keep a clean sheet with the taxman and avoid surprises if the Revenue knock on your door. The article is written in layman terms and aimed at the non tax expert. It is short and well […]

ESRI Report on Options for Raising Tax Revenues in Ireland

The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) recently published a paper which outlines various options to increase future tax revenues and the economic and social impact of each policy.